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Biography & Art shows
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portrait of alexandra mas

Daniel Besikian

Alexandra Mas

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30 ans d'art

Née en Transylvanie, Alexandra Mas vit et travaille à Paris et Bordeaux. À 14 ans, elle intègre le collège des beaux-arts et elle rencontre le célèbre graveur Marcel Chirnoaga, qui devient son mentor. Après avoir exposé pour la première fois dans son pays natal et à l’international à partir de 17 ans, elle poursuit ses études à l'université des beaux-arts de Bucarest,  atelier du professeur Mihai Manescu. 


Très vite, elle s'installe en France, en quête de connaissances et voyage beaucoup. Elle y obtient un diplôme en design et architecture d'intérieur, avant de se lancer dans des projets commerciaux pour le musée du Louvre, la maison Christian Dior, Marsu Productions et des clients privés. En 2006, elle part en Californie pour diriger une école de talents à Beverly Hills où elle travaille avec de jeunes enfants. 


De retour en France en 2009, elle se consacre entièrement à son travail artistique. Son inspiration puise dans la nature, la mémoire collective et des sujets sensibles, créant une univers éclectique à l'image de ses origines. Son questionnement intellectuel nous plonge dans un monde de complexité sensorielle. Sa peinture est expressive et le geste puissant, créant une sorte de contradiction permanente entre force et délicatesse. La pictographie, la vidéo, la performance et la réalité virtuelle sont des techniques qu'elle utilise pour créer des images intrigantes et poétiques, mais c’est le dessin qui représente le fil rouge de tout son parcours.  


Aujourd'hui, Alexandra Mas est représentée par la galerie HOHENTHAL UND BERGEN. Depuis 2016, elle collabore avec le photographe - et docteur en droits de l’homme - Marco Tassini au sein du Mas Tassini Studio, et dans le cadre du magazine The EDGE. En 2019, elle a créé les prix Artivist et Shim Eco avec Peter Hopkins, fondateur de Shim Art Network. Depuis 2020, la biennale Artivism, organisée avec Diana Hohenthal et Shim Eco, met en valeur les artistes engagés dans l'art socio-écologique.


30 years of art

Born in Transylvania, of Russian and Hungarian ethnicity, Alexandra Mas lives and works in Paris and Bordeaux. At the age of 14, she joined the School of Fine Arts and met the famous engraver Marcel Chirnoaga, who became her mentor. After her first exhibition in her home country and internationally at the age of 17, she continued her studies at the University of Fine Arts in Bucharest, under the guidance of Professor Mihai Manescu.

She quickly settled in France, seeking knowledge and traveling extensively. She obtained a degree in design and interior architecture before embarking on commercial projects for the Louvre Museum, Christian Dior, Marsu Productions, and private clients. In 2006, she went to California to lead a talent school in Beverly Hills, where she worked with young children.

Returning to France in 2009, she devoted herself entirely to her artistic work. Her inspiration draws from nature, collective memory, and sensitive subjects, creating an eclectic universe that reflects her origins. Her intellectual questioning immerses us in a world of sensory complexity. Her painting is expressive, with a powerful gesture that creates a permanent contradiction between strength and delicacy. Pictography, video, performance, and virtual reality are techniques she uses to create intriguing and poetic images, but drawing represents the thread that runs throughout her entire career.

Today, Alexandra Mas is represented by the HOHENTHAL UND BERGEN gallery. Since 2016, she has been collaborating with photographer and human rights doctor Marco Tassini within the Mas Tassini Studio, and as part of the magazine The EDGE. In 2019, she created the Artivist Awards and Shim Eco with Peter Hopkins, founder of Shim At Network. Since 2020, the Artivism biennale, organized with Diana Hohenthal and Shim Eco, highlights artists engaged in socio-ecological art.


1995 Small Etching Biennale, group show, Uzice 31 (present in catalogue)

1997 Autumn Show, UAP, National Theatre Museum, Bucharest 

1998 Autumn Show, UAP, National Theatre Museum, Bucharest 

1999 Etching Triennial show, Kanagawa T2

         Autumn Show, UAP, National Theatre Museum, Bucharest 

2000 Solo show, etching, hosted by HVB, Bucharest

2002 Atelier 35, group show, Constanta 70 (present in the manifest)

2006 Performance & Solo show, “Ballet d’esprit” paintings, Paris 02

2011 Solo show, Pop Experience or “BodyPaint” pictographs, Cielo Gallery, London W1

         Body painting performance “The Self Portrait”, Festival des Passages, Paris 02

         Solo Show, “Dancers”, NK Gallery, Paris 03

         Solo show, Pop Experience or “BodyPaint” pictographs, Memmi Gallery, Paris 08

2012 “The Portrait” groupe show, Claire Corcia Gallery, Paris 03 

          “Nude” groupe show, Claire Corcia Gallery, Paris 03 
2013 Solo Show, “Auroe des Temps”, C.Bortone Gallery, Paris 06

(writer Jean-Roger Geyer makes a lecture of his text about the artist during the opening)

          Le Salon d'Automne, group show, Grand Palais, Paris 08 (present in catalogue)

          Gemluc Art, humanitarian group show, Monaco (present in catalogue)

          Paris Photo off, groupe show, Be Space Gallery, Paris 11
         Fine Art Academy Museum of Saint Petersburg

 2014 Permanence, Be Space Gallery, Paris 11 

          Solo Show, Ticolas Gallery, Paris 08  

 2015 Solo Show, Bordeaux 33

          Permanence, Ticolas Gallery, Paris (three pictographs selected) 

          Préconçue, Art&Miss Gallery, Paris 03    

          GOLD, Art&Miss Gallery, Paris 03

2016 "Segesse", groupe show, Bernard Magrez institut, Bordeaux 00

         "Dance, Music, Theater", groupe show, Art&Miss, Paris 03

         "TransArt", works & performance, Twin Studios, Paris 16

2017  Performance, MNAM - Centre Pompidou, Paris 04

           Romanian Graphic Arts, October 25th-November 9th, private viewing October 26th

           Solo show, Saint James, Bordeaux, june 12th 2017- January 10th 2018

           Clouzot-une suite Contemporaine: VR experience, Nov. 2017-Jan.2018,Topographie de l'art, Paris

2018   Clouzot et les arts plastiques, une suite contemporaine, VR experience, Espace Grappelli, February to March

           Clouzot et les arts plastiques, une suite Contemporaine: VR experience, Luxe Valence, May to June 30th.

           Vanitas Nostrum, sculpture, Place Vendôme, Paris, July 2018 

           Romanian Graphic Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucarest - from 7 to 18th of October

            Solo Show, October 2018, Artifact Gallery, New York - Private viewing October 10th

2019   Screening -  art shorts selection - from 2009 to 2019 at Silencio, curated by Gwenael Billaud, for La Galerie, February 19

           Screening - No - an ugly story- part 1 & Selva Obscura -prolog, curated by Gwenael Billaud, for La Galerie, July 2nd

           Performance "Unveil" , Montana, curated by Gwenael Billaud for La Galerie Paris, September 21st

           Romanian Graphic Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucarest, curated by Ioan Cuciurca,  October 17th to 30th

           Performance "No - an ugly story" Venice, curated by Venezia da Vivere and Venice Fashion Week for La Biennale, October 19th

           Performance  & screening "No - an ugly story" , at Aqua Art for Art Miami official calendar, December, Miami

           Performance  & screening "No - an ugly story" , at Pinta, December, Miami

2020  Salon Comparaisons, Grand Palais Paris, curated by Francois Fasnibay, Art Capital, February 11th to 16th

          Performance Venice Carnival stage & Art Show, Espace Vidal, February-March, Venice

          Romanian Graphic Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucarest, curated by Ioan Cuciurca,  October 17th to 30th

2021  Salon des Artistes français, Art Capital, February (online)

          Shim_Eco international eco artivism hosted by ARTSY, starting with April (online)

          4 Spre Digital, curateur Ioan Cuciurca, Galeria Simeza, Bucuresti, May  

          Romanian Graphic Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucarest, curated by Ioan Cuciurca,  October

          URSA gallery, Shim-Eco : THE CORAL PRINCIPLE, group show October 2021 to march 2022

2022 Art Capital, Salon Comparaisons, La vie en Instantané, group show February

         Salon des Artistes Francais, Sculpture, Grand Palais Ephemere

         Artivism Biennale 2nd edition - Venezia & Sornao, June to September (billboard cover) 

         Romanian Graphic Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucarest, curated by Ioan Cuciurca,  October

2023 Art Capital, Salon Comparaisons, La vie en Instantané, group show February

         Artivism Berlin, hosted by HOHENTHAL UND BERGEN at Blah blah project room, from June 16th to July 2nd

         Romanian Graphic Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucarest, curated by Ioan Cuciurca,  October

         ART MIAMI FAIRS - Aqua Art, performance, live action painting and drawings, 5 exhibited pieces 

2024 ARAPL Nouvelle Aquitaine, Bordeaux, January to Mai 

         ART CAPITAL, salon comparaisons , February 13th to 18th - Grand Palais Ephemere 

         ARTIVISM Biennale, Bordeaux, centre Manpaï , June to October 

         ARTIVISM Biennale, Venezia , September to November - action painting  

         Homo Faber in cita, installation Palazzo Pisani Revedin     

         Romanian Graphic Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucarest, curated by Ioan Cuciurca, November 

future art shows


group Expressionism Abstrait 

Le Grand Palais, Paris 

February 13 - 16, 2025




CIFRA - the video and VR art platform, world 

un atelier de dessin méditatif Chez Manpaï

dessin automatique en groupe ou individuel sur demande 

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